How To Keep Customers Safe When Undergoing Commercial Renovations

Commercial renovations can give your property a fresh new look or enhance your operational needs. Though undergoing a construction project can cause a safety hazard to your employees and property visitors. You may not have the luxury of closing your business while undergoing renovations. Through careful planning and preparation, you can ensure that everyone’s safety…


How Eco-Friendly Remodels Can Improve Your Commercial Property

Whether you run a multi-family unit or manage a commercial property, an eco-friendly renovation can benefit your tenants and save you money. Although using a green approach requires a significant initial investment, you’ll save money in the months to come and increase the value of your property. Here are some of the benefits of using…

apartment renovations

Rehab Your Multi-family Property for the Baby Boomer Market

New Emerging Market Baby boomers are still the largest generation but most have reached retirement age. Many of whom have different housing needs than millennials. If you manage a multi-family apartment building, rehabbing them to take advantage of the baby boomer market could provide lucrative income. But you have to understand the needs and desires…
